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Move Past the Need to be “Perfect”


Do you ever feel like you have to be perfect? Do you ever feel like you get that message from others?  Do you sense that you need to be perfect for… acceptance, credit, or love?  Perhaps others do not come right out and say it, but I’m guessing you have walked away with that feeling a time or two… or quite often. 


Think about the times you have felt that need to be perfect…


Perhaps you wrote something and found yourself not putting it out there because of what others might think.  After all, it wasn’t “perfect” enough.  Maybe you were having family or friends over to your home and you tried to make sure your house looked perfect.  It could have been an attempt to make something, plan something, decorate something…  You planned and planned – and then planned some more – just to make sure whatever it was had the perfect seal of approval.

Perfect may even be an idea you have found yourself saying on occasion.  Have you ever said, “I just want this to be perfect” for a wedding… a dinner party… an open house… an appointment… Christmas Day… a family vacation?  The list goes on and on.   


I want you to be aware what is REALLY going on for you.  What’s driving your need to be perfect?  I promise you this: it is not serving you. You are only setting yourself up to fail.  Perfection is not possible.


Here’s the truth about perfection:


Trying to be perfect is about trying to protect yourself.  It is an inner belief that says, “If I am perfect then you can’t hurt me.  No one will be disappointed in me.  No one cannot like me.”  This isn’t necessarily a conscious thought.  It is your fear that is driving you. 


The next time you find yourself trying to "be perfect" ask yourself these questions...


What is your fear?  You won’t be loved?  You won’t be good enough?  Others won’t think of you the way you want?


Whatever it is, it isn’t reality.  When you appease your fear, you give your power away.  Who cares what people think?  Can you really control that anyway? 


Besides… the idea of perfect has been flawed in the first place.  Somewhere along the line, we developed the notion that perfection means “without flaw.”  I prefer a better definition of perfect, one that is more true to the original intent of the word.  I prefer to define perfect as the idea of “moving toward completion.”  Yeah… I like that much better.


In what ways are you moving toward completion today?  I can promise you that thinking in this way in far more rewarding, more satisfying and less burdensome.  No longer is the emphasis on what others think… the emphasis is now on you and your journey toward that which brings you joy.


And… along the way, your old need to be “perfect” lessens, as does that feeling you get from others.  You find power in moving toward completion, not living a life without flaw.

In the end, keep your power.  Believe in you.  Know that you ARE good enough.  And walk the journey without fear…

 Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams. - Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations. - View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you... click here. - Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here. - To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here.

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