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5 Questions to Consider Before Moving Past 2013


I welcome the lull.


You know… the “lull.” It’s that very short reflective day or two you get between Christmas and New Year’s. So here I am, reflecting back on 2013 and considering some questions that have always intrigued me when I hit the year-end. I thought I would share them so you might ask yourself the same and see how you answer…


Question #1 – Was it worth it?


All the stress… all the hustle and bustle… all the plans, to-do lists, agendas, goals, and feelings that accompanied “I have to get this taken care of”… Was it worth it? Or… did my efforts match my goals and did I reach them with a degree of reasonableness that limited stress in a way that I could smell the roses along the way?


Question #2 – Did I accomplish what I really wanted to accomplish?


Did I attend to the things that really matter or did I spend way too much time on things that I told myself really needed to matter in the moment? My goals, dreams, and plans for 2013… did I achieve them?


Question #3 – Am I more of who I want to be today than I was at this same time last year?


I set out to be the best me in 2013. Did I do it? Am I a better “me” today than I was a year ago? Am I living out my authentic self in a way that it truly who I am and aspire to be?


Question #4 – What are the successes I enjoyed this last year?


I am proud of myself for many things. What are they? Where did I shine? Where did I find success, joy, contentment, happiness, and abundance? Where are the areas that I am proud of me?


Question #5 – What do I want of me going forward?


I fill my life with expectations. Some of those I haven’t met yet. What are they? Which ones are important going forward? Are there any that I need to let go of because they no longer are relevant or matter as much as I thought they did?



I encourage you to enjoy the lull and take the time to reflect on 2013. Too many people engage the busyness of life and never really reflect in a way that matters. And so, they end up repeating a life they really never wanted in the first place.


I know this one thing for sure: there is a life that wants to live in you. The real question is… is the life that wants to live in you the one you are really living?


Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams. - Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations. - View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you... click here. - Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here. - To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here.

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