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Hit That ONE Degree in the New Year (Move Ahead!)


Remember the day you finally put up a shingle and launched out on your own with your, own company, mindset, and mission?  You were completely dedicated to the task, anxious with anticipation that the road ahead – while challenging – would bring the rewards for which you were looking.  You imagined “success” and went about doing whatever needed to be done to find success on that road.  And, truth be told, you have had success… and failure… and just about everything in between.  What you did not expect that first day you launched was the “in between,” especially as it relates to the ever-present feeling you have come to live with: the idea of constantly being overwhelmed.Do you ever feel like you have so much going on you don’t have time to do anything?Do you feel overwhelmed by the to-do list that just seems to be getting longer?Do you feel so stressed you don’t feel like you can focus or get the things done like you used to?That day you launched before “overwhelmed” set in seems a long, long time ago…This is a very common feeling for business owners.  When your life is threatened by the never-ending to-do list (that is, the life you dreamed of living), you must address it and find a “new normal” in which to exist.  After all, isn’t the reason you got into this ownership gig in the first place is in part due to the idea of the life you wanted to live?  It is time to reclaim that life again.  It is time to understand the concept of “one degree.”  Do you know what temperature water boils at?  It is 212 degrees.  Why does that matter?  You   can try and try and try, but it is impossible to get water to boil at 211 degrees.  One degree makes a huge difference.  Without that one degree, you don’t get spaghetti, hard-boiled eggs or even jello.  One degree makes all the difference.This concept applies to your life.  There is so much you have on your plate.  There are many things you want to do, change, achieve, and complete.  You have a list of items that you believe need to get done.  If you focus on the “amount,” you will forever be lost in that “overwhelmed” feeling that robs any joy you have left from your business and your life.  Instead, focus on one degree.  Ask yourself, “What is my one degree I need to focus on today?”  And then, do that… and nothing more.Here’s how:
  • Look at your to-do list.  What is the most important thing that MUST be done today?  Get that one thing done today.
  • If your energy level isn’t there to take on that task, pick the one thing that you would most enjoy doing and do that to get your motivation back.
  • If you get your motivation back, then tackle the one thing that MUST be done.
  • In addition, identify one thing that would make you feel better about you (i.e. taking an hour to exercise, getting some rest, having lunch with a friend…).  Whatever that is, do that.  Remember… this is all about how you feel.  In essence, you are saying, “I am giving myself the freedom to take care of me so I can then take care of my business.”
You owning the one degree that demands your attention today adds up over time.  You will discover a life that is happier, more pleasing and successful as your “one degree” days unfold as the weeks go by.  You will be amazed at the difference it will make in your attitude and the way you feel.After all, isn’t that what you want – to feel better and enjoy this business you own?One degree is do-able.  You don’t have to do, change, achieve and complete everything.  One degree… that’s it.Believe you can!Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams. - Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations. - View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you... click here. - Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here. - To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here.

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