Move Toward

Move Toward Your Relationship with Your Kids

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Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
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Move Toward

Move Toward the Life You Love with Your Family


Sometimes, the results we get are directly related to the motivational tips or techniques our family of origin gave us.

So… in case you haven’t heard it in awhile… you are great.


Now, if you had any trouble stomaching that first sentence – OR – you quickly made your move to debate it, we need to chat. Because you may not know it, but  you’re performing an act of self sabotage by believing this. J

Cause I think you’re great.

Odds are, there is a voice somewhere in your head that echoes your true belief about yourself. My guess is, that voice belongs to a family member – or two, or three, or… So often, that voice binds us to something less than we were created to be. A life coach would ask you to ignore this voice.

Growing up, we all feel defined by the expectations that are put on us. Some of those are healthy and some probably aren’t. Some probably gave you motivation, while some did not. Without a doubt, some of those expectations were unspoken – you just “knew” what they were (i.e. don’t outshine your sibling, don’t let the family down, live up to the family name, etc.). The moment we took those things in and started to believe them, we began to create a life constricted by other people’s expectations. And if those expectations were negative, well… you know how that story goes.

If this is you, it’s time to change the story. It’s time to be your own success coach.

And that’s where a life coach comes in.

Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Toward

Move Toward Your Relationship with Your Spouse/Significant Other

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Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Forward

Move Forward in Your Job

It is so easy to lose motivation in a job or career and not move forward.  The tough part is getting the results you want when that begins.

Have you ever…

  • Been afraid to speak up?
  • Brushed off compliments?
  • Viewed yourself as not as important as others?

Congratulations! You and about every other person I have ever met have done one (or all) of those at one time or another.

Oh well. Read on to get your hands on some words of wisdom by a life coach.

While doing that socially may not be a killer, doing it in a job is. When we play small in our work we create two issues: 1) we plant a seed of doubt in others about our ability; and 2) we begin to doubt ourselves. You may not be doing it consciously, but in effect you’re indulging in self-sabotage. Play that out over time and it becomes very easy to shrink.

And shrinking sucks.

Can your job contain you?  I don’t mean that it isn’t worth your time. I mean, have you postured yourself into believing that this is as good as you can get or the best you will ever achieve? If so, I’m guessing your playing small in some area of your work.  And that kills your motivation.

Here are some words of advice from a success coach. I realize you’d have  more in the tank if you could get out of your own way and step into your full potential of what it means to be you. Maybe you’ve felt the office doubts about you… Maybe you really don’t know if you are capable of more… Maybe you settled awhile back and this job feels comfortable now.

As a life coach, I am always amazed at what happens when someone unleashes their potential. When they refuse to play small and take the risk to play big, it always seems they find a new lease on life.  It is so powerful!

Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Past

Move Past the Opposite of Motivation

getting unstuck

Meet Mitch.

Mitch is someone I met a long time ago, a master of self sabotage.  Mitch is addicted to struggle. Nothing is easy in his life.  Things are always complicated.  He believes that life – MUST! – be difficult in order to be lived.  Nothing is ever easy.  He says he has never had a good day.  He is addicted to feeling bad.  For him, to feel good would actually be scary.

Mitch wonders why he’s not married yet.


I won’t be calling on Mitch for motivation tips anytime soon..

If you’re like Mitch, it’s time to consult a life coach.  Is there anything more limiting to a human being than believing you have to struggle through life?  Where did we come up with that idea anyway?  Seriously… Who says life has to be a constant struggle?

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be.  It’s the result I help lead each and every client to everyday.  It’s the job of any life coach.

To get ahead, you have to embrace getting unstuck.  The idea of struggle is exactly the opposite of the idea of motivation.  And I prefer motivation. Living the metaphor of struggle day in and day out is a recipe for misery and loneliness.  Any success coach will tell you that.

I have my own phrase for folks I encounter like this now.

They think life is a Mitch.

Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Beyond

Move Beyond the One Thing NO ONE Wants to Admit

self sabotage

It pains me to even write the word.


Have you ever been one?

Perhaps. And if so, I have no doubt that a flood of memories as to how and when you were came racing to mind.

And now for the tough question:  Have you ever been guilty of having a “victim mentality”?

It’s self sabotage. It’s the one thing NO ONE ever wants to admit.

And yet I see it all the time in people around me – at the store, casual friendships, and sadly, clients.

This is a tough one and I struggle to write this blog today because it is such a difficult issue. I don’t want to write off how you may have been victimized. All I want to say is that you can’t stay there.

A success coach advises you to look inside yourself and find out if you suffer from a victim mentality. Here are ways to identify a victim mentality:

  • When you are the one always being wronged.
  • Nothing good happens to/for you.
  • If the worst is going to happen, it is going to happen to you.
  • The idea of “poor me” enters your thoughts.

I learned something a long time ago from my sister, Kim and this is a lesson you might pay hundreds of dollars to your life coach in order to learn.  She was severely burned and it wasn’t her fault.  She had every right to be a victim and live that out the rest of her days. However…

The burn community doesn’t operate that way.  As I have learned from her and attending the Phoenix Society’s World Burn Congress, there are no victims.

Only survivors.

From there, it’s about moving toward that next thing.

And the next thing is “thriving.”

That’s a much better mentality, don’t you think?

Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Into

Move Into the Blessing of Forgiveness

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Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Past

Move Past Being Your Own Worst Enemy

self sabotage

There was a time when my son was into Super Heroes. His first idol was Buzz Light Year (can you tell what era he grew up in?). After he “matured” (his words) he moved on to the Justice League and the like. I quickly learned at the dinner table that the Justice League had its evil counterparts as well. Apparently, this was called “Bizzaro world” in which things were backward.

We adults partake in Bizzaro world on occasion as we indulge in a little self sabotage. Our “heroes” there are called “Criticism” and “Blame.” They are the opposite of our true Super Heroes, “Freedom” and “Peace.”

Here’s a little free advice from a life coach: ask yourself the following questions. Have you ever been critical of yourself?

Yeah… I already knew the answer to that. Me too.

Maybe I should ask, have you ever held onto a criticism of yourself for days, weeks, months? I hesitate to use “years” because I can feel the sting already.

Don’t you hate it when you are your own worst enemy?

Nothing works against us more than holding onto criticism and blame – and regularly participating in it; self sabotage is never the answer.

Let’s just call this out, okay? Here is exactly what criticism and blame do for us:

  • They ruin intimacy in relationships.
  • They remind us daily of the fear we have inside.
  • They push people away.
  • They reveal the insecurity we have about ourselves.
  • They lead us to results we say we don’t want.

That’s quite a list. I’m inspired now!


Can we be honest and say that when we are critical of ourselves it is a sign that we are angry about something – but haven’t put words to it yet? That’s what needs to be addressed, rather than the parade of criticism and blame in which we tend to participate.

Here’s what your life coach would encourage you to do. Call them for what they are: bad habits that can become addictive if we aren’t careful.

Let me challenge you on this one. I want you to take one single day where you stop the criticism and blame game. Just one day. See what happens. I dare say that if you can’t do it, it is high time to find a life coach.

If you can, blessings on you. How did it make you feel?

It’s about time we stop living in Bizzaro world, it’s time to be our own success coach and get back to the REAL Super Heroes in our lives.

“To infinity and BEYOND!”

Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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Move Ahead

Move Ahead to the Blessing of Letting Go


I don’t know of a greater power in the universe than forgiveness. Any success coach will tell you that.

I’m serious.

I have had my share of tough times (haven’t we all). Some have come my way of some ill-intention or careless choices of others.

And some came my way from people who were just flat-out mean.

There is a certain satisfaction that comes from harboring that feeling you’ve been wronged. You can feel justified in it, somehow using it to explain anything and everything that hasn’t unfolded the way you wanted to in life. At least, that’s what my life coach tells me.

And you might be right.

But that will destroy you in the end.

I’ve heard it said this way: when you don’t forgive, it ends up being the poison you drink hoping someone else will die. In fact, it can be described as an act of self sabotage.

Forgiveness is a process that is about letting go and finding peace. If you were to consult a life coach, they would tell you that it isn’t about releasing someone or something for what they have done to you in the past (repentance on their end requires that). It is about releasing yourself from letting those things ruin your future as well.

You know forgiveness is an issue in your life when you can think of the person or event that happened and you get upset, angry and/or anxious. It’s time to stop this self sabotage.

That poison doesn’t taste too good, does it? Kind of reminds me of the old Mr. Yuck sticker. Perhaps we should bring that back and slap it on those areas of our lives we haven’t quite healed from yet.

Let it go, my friend. Let it go. Practice forgiveness. Practice release. Pay heed to the wisdom of a success coach and just let go.

You’ll find a whole new world of peace awaits…

Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here


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Move Ahead

Playing Small Doesn’t Get You the Results You Want – Move Ahead!

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Kristi’s passion is to equip and encourage busy women to move easily to the next level of their life and dreams.
– Connect with her on Facebook here for her tips & inspirations.
– View her coaching packages that will empower, encourage and equip you… click here.
– Enjoy Kristi’s free downloadable ebook here or purchase her book here.
– To book Kristi as a speaker for your group or conference click here

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